What mace training has given Spinal fusion community

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2023
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The Musculoskeletal Mystery: How to Solve Your Pelvic Floor Symptoms

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2023

Heather Florio & Ingrid Harm-Ernandes co authors the Musculko Skeletal Mystery - How to solve the Pelvic floor system.

Heather founder of Dessert Harvest - Ingrid at PT Pelvic floor specialist share their knowledge & passion of the impact your pelvic floor can impact Scoliosis & how using exercises & tools strengthen your pelvic floor. 

Ingrid dives into “Your body is your house. The pelvic floor is the foundation.” A simple explanation for everyone to benefit from & understand how important pelvic floor is & works.

With Scoliosis, the curves can cause the house to be ascue to one side leaving the body to adjust. Over time, it can be hard for the body to adjust. This can lead to a “breakdown.” With exercises of strengthening of the whole core & products, you can help to stabilize the pelvic floor. This along with products that can be used to strengthen tissue health.

In their book, they share specifically how to do a pelvic...

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Seattle Childrenā€™s Hospital with Dr. Jennifer Rabbitts & Homer Aalfs

Uncategorized Dec 15, 2022

Surgery Pal, a mobile app & website created by researchers at Children’s Hospital to help teens who are undergoing spinal surgery. It’s a program that helps teens prepare for before & post surgery.

Jennifer is a pediatrician, anesthesiologist  pain doctor.  She & the team at Children’s hospital got started on this mission after hearing teens & the struggles they go through. “As health care providers, we could do a better job of supporting teens.”

Teen surgery doesn’t just impact teens, it trickles into the family. Because of this, Children’s Hospital understands the importance of this. That is why, they have 2 versions. One to help support teens, the second to help families move through the process at their own pace. Some of the tools that they teach are how to alleviate stress through breath.

The tools aren’t just to prepare for before or after surgery. The tools can be implemented into life....

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Rik Brown

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2022


Rik has always liked working out since his teen years. At the time there was a strong consciousness of body building. Everyone wanted to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I trained hard but I didn’t look like them. I got stronger but was frustrated.

It was during Y2K, kettlebells became popular in the states. The only place to get certified was in Minnesota. He got certified & went back home to California, having a few kettlebell clients. One of them wanted to to video Rik training with Kettlebell for an upcoming DVD. It was at the shoot that he was introduced to the mace.

He started training his private clients with the mace. In 2013, he decided to do a seminar. 18 people showed up! Rik got excited. If he could do with 18 people why not do it again. That’s exactly what he did. Rinse & repeat. He kept it close to home staying in the San Diego, LA area. Then he got a call from a gym in northern California asking him to come...

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Anabel De Wilde

In this episode, we’re going to across the pond! One day, while lifting her school bag onto her right shoulder, her mom asked, what’s that on your back? Noticing her ribcage being twisted. They went to a doctor who confirmed she had Scoliosis with a 30/35 degree curve. Her curves quickly increased. At that time, there was no pilates, no yoga. Everything was sports driven.

Living in a lot of pain & no exercises, it got worse. At age 15, she ended up having “full corrective surgery” of 12 + hours for her first surgery where she would have Harrington rods. Surgery was complicated, 4 ribs removed & 2 liters blood loss. She’s never forgotten that moment.

After surgery, with multiple scars, she found out she’s prone to Keyloid scars (when your body produces too much tissue).

Recovery took about a year. One of the hardest things was sitting up. It was at this time, her dad thought she should be moving better, living a more “normal”...

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Dr Jason Cooney

Uncategorized Nov 13, 2022

With 23 years of professional experience, his dive into the field exceeds his career. Growing up with his father being in the field, he was exposed at a young age. I was always interested in anatomy, so the fit felt like a perfect match of wanting to help people. Upon his graduation, he had the opportunity to work with his father, who was one of the first to get into this field in the 70’s. Times have greatly changed. There’s good chiropractors & bad ones. Jason advocates, to do your research.

Chiro’s help stabilize the spine, slowing down the progression of the curves along with strengthening the muscles.
With congenital scoliosis, it’s difficult to reserve the curve. He keeps it real, “Be weary of chiropractors promising too much.” A chiropractor can help manage pain, range of motion & stabilizing the spine through exercise. While all of this is important, Jason admits it’s only going to be as affective if patients are willing to...
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Rick Olderman Fixing You Method

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

Rick a Sports Orthopedic Physical Therapist with 25 years experience quickly learned that his clients had chronic pain. When he opened his clinic he discovered that patients patterns were the same but the outcomes were different.

In medical school we were taught, "look at the damaged tissue, treat it & out you go!”

His unique perspective dives into WHY tissue is damaged. He shares his approach on Scoliosis a “systems method to solving pain.”

The back pain that people are having often isn’t from Scoliosis.

In medical terms, Scoliosis is defined as a lateral curve. It doesn’t talk about the WHY the curve is occurring. It could be genital, structural or functional curve.

Rick talks about gate patterns & how to help correct the “scoliotic forces.” One of the exercises, he refers to is the “butt pump.” He discuss’s the difference of bent knees vs locked knees & its impact.

Rick talks about the connection of Sciatica...

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Master Mentor Paul Wolkowinski

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2022
Paul Wolkowinski Master teacher & mentor to so many people in the Gada,  (original form of the mace) Clubs & Meels community shares the history & personal journey of training. Originally he started with kettle bells & was attracted to the ballistic & circular movement of them.
In 2007 Paul researched what else there was to swing. Finding a book written about Indian Clubs, which is "still my bible to this day." he decided to try it out. Having a local wood turner create clubs for him. His first time holding them he thought to himself what do I do next. Continuing on this journey, he found steel clubs but didn’t like the coldness of them.
As Paul continued working with clubs, Gada he realized how essential breathing patterns were. Breathing sets a rhythm. He describes the movement of Heart shape circle, what they become & the components they integrate.
In 2017 Paul was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Part of his...
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Dr Laura Glazebrook Schroth Pelvic floor specialist

Uncategorized Aug 01, 2022

Diagnosed at age 11 with a 53 degree curve her orthopedic told her she was the quickest progression they had seen. Fused in 1997 with Harrington rods from T2-L2, Laura sustained a lot of trunk rotation. In 2012, she became a PT. During her education, she found out how little was discussed about Scoliosis. In 2017, she had her second child where she would have a lot of pain. This lead her to the importance of pelvic floor health & the connection it has with Scoliosis where she practices with clients.

Growing up, she was never in pain, always fit, but would have headaches. She attributed this to her body compensation.

As we continue the conversation, she shares that one the key focuses she starts conversation with her clients, we start with a strong back no matter where you are. Start with the mind set, your back is strong. It’s supporting you where you are.

Diving into the pelvic floor & its importance. It is the bottom of our pelvis, it’s “the pelvic floor...

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Empowerment Scoliosis

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2022

To finish out scoliosis awareness month, we brought back Katelyn Carlson.

We dive into how to optimize our time of being productive of living with Scoliosis as a family unit. One of the most important things you can do is ground yourself. Look at where you’re at right now. Many decisions can be made out of desperation or fear. These decisions may not be in alignment with what you or your child needs.

How can I resource myself? How can I come to a place where I feel solid, stable? How can I trust myself? These are all questions she asks her clients, starting off with where are you at right now?

Get as much information as you can. Get your questions answered. This also comes to dealing with the using your internal resources.

Be aware of how it feels when you’re in a panic vs how it feels when you feel good. Honor the feeling, pull yourself back & take the steps.

How is different for parents vs children? Katelyn is a strong advocate of changing the language...

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